Alternative investments

Private Equity | Real Estate | Technology


Amani Partners is a different kind of investment house, that specializes in alternative, value-add investments, with a focus on private equity, real estate, and technology. We enjoy a wide, exclusive deal flow and are active in a variety of untapped sectors and areas that present rare opportunities, such as Israel’s Arab business sector, one-of-a-kind real estate opportunities outside of Israel, and others.

On a practical level, we do more than invest in value, we work hand in hand with our portfolio companies to create it. Each investment we make is an investment where the Amani team can provide substantial added value, actively raising the investment’s valuation.

Led by a cadre of top finance professionals and seasoned managers, we’ve developed an investment framework that yields superior outcomes while limiting risk:
– Strategic market segments in urgent need of capital: We closely study and select underserved and undervalued segments in our primary markets (technology, real estate, industry).
– Sound businesses with substantial upside: In these segments, we identify and thoroughly vet companies with robust business models and capable leadership.
– Increase valuation through active management and participation: We actively manage our funds and lend our experience and expertise to our portfolio companies, keeping them focused an on-target to fully capitalize on the invested funds.
– Collaborate with top tier value add partners: To further ensure portfolio company success and maximize ROI for our own investors, we’ve engaged with well well-known financing partners that co-invest alongside Amani and prominent advisory firms.

Our Funds

Real Estate
Private Equity


Investment Strategy

The fund has taken as its mantle a holistic,

diverse investment strategy that rests on 4 primary pillars

Informed acquisition

Identifying investment opportunities based on broad preliminary research

Flexible Model

Adapting the investment model to each company’s attributes

Value Creation

Responsible and practical management enabling process acceleration

Smart Exit

Exit strategy to maximize profits

Shani Amram, managing partner at Amani about the great opportunity inherent in private equity investments in traditional industry, the uniqueness of investment characteristics in family businessess, and the acute importance of a strong and united Israeli economy in all its sectors 


Eran Zimmerman​

Investment Committee Chair

Shani Amram

Managing Partner


Amir Galili

Strategy Manager


Elah Alkalay



Alon Schnabel

Analysis and Research Manager

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